I was asked a question about my process recently, so thought I would share a little bit.
First, I have a very general idea, some of which I create various versions of, mostly combining photos, adjusting colors, and layering using various programs, but, mostly Pixlr.
Soon, I will be releasing the third painting of the Deco Dames set and I am going to share the photos I am using to work from. Keep in mind that nothing will be the same color, or layout, when I am through. The point is to make it my own. So, when I release it, take a look back at this post, and see if you can identify what I used, what I discarded, where I changed it, or left it alone.
I create a source to work from, but don't stick to it exactingly, which is why I don't share my actual source. Sometimes, people get hung up on details, and want the painting to show that one piece of hair, or the missing freckle.
I don't like to work that way, so I don't. This is, also, one of the reasons I am not too excited about commission work. Not that I won't do commissions, but the client will need to understand I have my own style, and process.